The Troll that John Baghdad Bob Benko comes out of hiding in T4P
Deep in the recesses of a West Virginia forest on a mountain side lives a troll who comes out at night to look for victims. John Baghdad Bob Benko is also known on the internet as the "Beast" . He seeks out children to rob them of their innocence. That is why many have a dread about T4P due to the clutter that this troll places on there to attack innocent Catholic Defenders
Deepertruth will win the battle today as T4P is self-distructing.
At the beginning to today, 11/8/2024, T4P has 5672 total listens. They now have an addition of 3 hits making the score 5675. John Baghdad Bob Benko is claiming 12,000 hits in a single week, again, this is coming from Baghdad Bob Benko who has misinformed the public. 12,000 minus 3 equalls 11997 hits to go. 50 additional hits may be added. From October 31 through today, T4P has added 50 poinst since October 31. 53 hits are standing in the wake of the 12,000 hallucination of John Baghdad Bob Benko. They have 11947 left to go. Like April 9 2003 called Iraq as holding up against American forces, Baghdad Benko Bob in the midst of a rout coming from Donald Hartley the Catholic Defender and Deepertruth are rolling in crushing the T4P defences.
Deepertruths lead today is 209495 Up from 209438 (11/6/2024)
Deepertruth holds at 66.% Average per post
The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post
Deepertruth stands at 215,170, The 4 Persons ends with 5675 As of 5:01 PM 11/8/2024
Deepertruth will win the day as T4P's 12000 exageration will fall short. I do not believe that T4P can reach the 5700 mark.