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The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Paris France 1290

Let the King of Kings and HIS Mother know that you receive and are aware of the Love Jesus has prompted us to share with you. Love and prayers in Christ, GregoryMary

During Easter of 1290 a non-believer who harbored animosity toward the Faith and who did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist was able to gain possession of a consecrated Host with the intent to desecrate the Holy Eucharist.

He stabbed the Host and threw the Blessed Sacrament into boiling water. The Host miraculously came out of the water right in front of the man, who was distressed by this. And so he put the Host in the basin of a pious woman. The woman immediately brought the Host to her pastor.

There are numerous documents that testify to the events of this miracle. The Italian historian Giovanni Villani in Book VII, Chapter 136, of his celebrated History of Florence reports all the principal facts of the miracle. A deep study of the sources was done by Mrs. Moreau-Rendu in a work entitled. A Paris, Rue des Jardins published in 1954 with a preface by Bishop Touzé who was the Auxiliary Bishop of Paris. The author, after a detailed list of the documents, placed them under rigorous examination and declared with confidence the authenticity of the facts. The best known version of the story is found in the History of the Church of Paris written by the French archbishop, Archbishop Rupp, who tells of the Eucharistic miracle of Paris in the pages dedicated to the episcopate of Simon Matifas of Busay who held the See of St. Denis from 1290 to 1304:

Easter Sunday, April 2, 1290, a man named Jonathas, who hated the Catholic Faith and did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, was able to gain possession of a consecrated Host. The man stabbed the Host with a knife and the Host began to bleed. The Blood filled the container in which he had placed the Host. Panic-stricken, the man decided to throw the Blessed Sacrament into the fire, but the Host miraculously arose from the fire.

Desperate, he threw the Eucharist into boiling water and the Host arose from the water, hovering in mid-air, and then taking the form of a crucifix. Finally, he deposited the Holy Eucharist in the bowl of a parishioner of SaintJean-en–Grève who brought the Blessed Sacrament to her parish priest.

Over the centuries, the Sacred Relic remained in a small reliquary in the church of Saint-Jean. During the French Revolution the Precious Relic was lost without a trace.” Here are some other equally significant facts: The ecclesiastical authorities, the people and the king decided to transform the home of the one who desecrated the Sacred Host into a chapel in which the Holy Eucharist would be kept; the confiscation of the house of Jonathas, called “The House of Miracles” by King Phillip the Fair which was registered in a bill of sale from 1291; the transformation of the house into an oratory after the Bull that was obtained from Pope Boniface VIII; the name of the “Rue du Dieu bouilli” (The Street of God-boiled) given by the people of Paris to the “Rue des Jardins”; the Eucharistic celebration in the Chapel des Billettes of the Department of the Reparation on the second Sundays of Advent and Lent.

Eucharistic Quotes

The following excerpt was taken from the writings of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta:

Like Mary, let us be full of zeal to go in haste to give Jesus to others. She was full of grace when, at the annunciation, she received Jesus. Like her, we too become full of grace every time we receive Holy Communion. It is the same Jesus whom she received and whom we receive at Mass. As soon as she received Him she went with haste to give Him to John. For us also, as soon as we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, let us go in haste to give Him to our sisters, to our poor, to the sick, to the dying, to the lepers, to the unwanted, and the unloved. By this we make Jesus present in the world today.

We cannot separate our lives from the Eucharist; the moment we do, something breaks. People ask, "Where do the sisters get the joy and energy to do what they are doing?" The Eucharist involves more than just receiving; it also involves satisfying the hunger of Christ. He says, "Come to Me." He is hungry for souls. Nowhere does the Gospel say: "Go away," but always "Come to Me." Our lives must be woven around the Eucharist. Ask Jesus to be with you, to work with you that you may be able to pray the work. You must really be sure that you have received Jesus. After that, you cannot give your tongue, your thoughts, or your heart to bitterness. Put your sins in the chalice for the precious blood to wash away. One drop is capable of washing away all the sins of the world. When communicating with Christ in your heart - the partaking of Living Bread - remember what Our Lady must have felt when the Spirit overpowered her and she, who was full of grace, became full with the body of Jesus. The Spirit was so strong in her that she immediately rose in haste to go and serve. Each Holy Communion, each breaking of the Bread of Life, each sharing should produce in us the same, for it is the same Jesus who came to Mary and was made flesh. We, too, should be in haste to give this life of Jesus... "The Most Holy Sacrament is a gift which has proceeded from pure love. For our salvation it was necessary, according to the decree of God, that the Redeemer should die, and, by the sacrifice of his life, satisfy divine justice for our sins; but what necessity was there that Jesus Christ, after having died for our redemption, should leave himself to us for our food? But this his love wished to do. He, says, St. Laurence Justinian, instituted the Eucharist for no other purpose than to show his great charity, for no other purpose than to make us understand the immense love which he bears us. This is precisely what St. John has written: Jesus, knowing that His hour was come that He should pass out of this world to the Father: having loved His own, He loved them to the end. (JN 13:1) Knowing that the time of his departure from this earth had arrived, he wished to give us the greatest proof of his love, by bequeathing to us this gift of the Most Holy Sacrament. This is the precise meaning of the words, He loved them to the end; that is, according to Theophilactus and St. John Chrysostom, 'he loved them with an extreme love.'" - St. Alphonsus De Ligouri

"May Mary, who in the freedom of her 'Fiat' and her presence at the foot of the cross, offered to the world, Jesus, the Liberator, help us to find him in the Sacrament of the altar," - Pope John Paul II

"The Bread that we need each day to grow in eternal life, makes of our will a docile instrument of the Divine Will; sets the Kingdom of God within us; gives us pure lips, and a pure heart with which to glorify his holy name, " - Edith Stein

The following reflection was taken from the Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament, titled "Divine Mercy in My Soul": To stay at Your feet, O hidden God, Is the delight and paradise of my soul. Here, You give me to know You, O incomprehensible One, And You speak to me sweetly: Give Me, give ME your heart. Silent conversation, alone with You, Is to experience what heavenly beings enjoy, And to say to God, "I will, I will give You my heart, O Lord," While You, O great and incomprehensible One, accept it graciously. Love and sweetness are my soul's life, And Your unceasing presence in my soul. I live on earth in constant rapture, And like a Seraph I repeat, "Hosanna!" O You Who are hidden, body, soul and divinity, Under the fragile form of bread, You are my life from Whom springs an abundance of graces; And, for me, You surpass the delights of heaven.

Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All Fredrick W. Faber 1814-1863 Tune: Sweet Sacrament Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, How can I love Thee as I ought? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope or thought? Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore! O make us love Thee more and more! O make us love Thee more and more. Had I but Mary's sinless heart, To love Thee with, my dearest King O! with what bursts of fervent praise, Thy goodness, Jesus would I sing! Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore! O make us love Thee more and more! O make us love Thee more and more! O make us love Thee more and more! MIRACULOUS IMAGE OF THE CHILD JESUS

A monk on the desert is reported to have taken a picture of the Holy Eucharist while exposed. Upon developing the film, this image of the child Jesus appeared.

Sometime later, Jesus told this same monk, “I promise to send my blessings and my peace to each home where this image is found.”

Look at that sweet face! Jesus I Love You and place my Trust in YOU!


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