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The Catholic Defender: While the World changes the Cross Stands Firm

The cross is a central symbol in Christianity, representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the benefits of his death.

The cross stands strong" is a phrase that can refer to the strength of the cross in Christianity

The cross stands strong because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The cross represents God's rejection of violence, injustice, hate, and lies. It also teaches that God is merciful and loves sinners with tender love.

The cross can be interpreted in several ways: 

  • A sign of divine love: The cross is a symbol of God's love for humanity, which can never be extinguished. 

  • A sign of divine fidelity: The cross represents God's fidelity to humanity, which can never be destroyed. 

  • A sign of hope: The cross can provide hope in a world of violence and secularism. 

  • A sign of meaning: The cross can give meaning to the suffering in human history. 

  • A sign of victory: The cross can represent the victory of those who triumph over themselves, rather than those who triumph over others. 

Gender is a fixed binary: the assumption that everyone’s gender is either “man” or ”woman,” and that gender is assigned at birth and remains unchanged throughout a person’s life.

Gender essentialism: the idea that biological sex determines character and behavior.

Gender is constructed: the idea that differences between genders are the result of what society expects.

younger people are more likely than older people to endorse gender essentialism. This means that younger people are more likely to think that our biological sex determines our personalities and behavior—believing, for example, that women are “naturally more caring” and men “naturally more aggressive.”

While many understandings of government are highly focused on the individual leaders in power, a prominent mindset that the system is rigged offers opportunities for communicators to tap into a more structural understanding of our political system.

  • When thinking about democracy, people tend to focus narrowly on voting. However, we did identify the presence of other mindsets that offer fuller understandings of popular self-government and representation.

  • Mindsets fluctuate between seeing the US Constitution as a solid and stable foundation and as a changeable product of its time—creating both challenges and openings for constitutional reform.

What does the Holy Spirit want to do for you through the Gift of Fortitude? There are a number of ways that we can draw on the strength of the Holy Spirit through this Gift.

• The Holy Spirit can help us to choose what is morally right even when we find it difficult to do so.

• The Holy Spirit can give us the strength to persevere in our pursuit of what is right and good, even when we’re at the end of our strength.

• The Holy Spirit empowers us to stand for the good and the right even when our courage is stretched beyond the limits of our own natural power.

• With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can patiently endure suffering and unite it to the cross of Jesus as an act of love. This practice of uniting our suffering to Christ’s is called salvific suffering.

• The Holy Spirit can give us the courage to look within our own hearts and face the evil we find there. He also gives us the courage to conquer our sin and to grow in goodness.

• Finally, don’t think of the Gift of Fortitude as a gift you draw upon only in emergencies or dire situations. Disciples of Jesus are called to live our Faith in our everyday lives. We can call on the Holy Spirit to help us do so boldly. Fortitude may inspire you to reach out in love to someone who seems lonely. Maybe it will inspire you to finally extend an olive branch to the person holding a grudge against you, or to meet a need that nobody else seems to be doing anything about. Even these small acts of charity take on supernatural significance when they are done with trust and Fortitude.

Fortitude is defined as courage in pain and adversity. The gift of Fortitude gives me the courage to do what God asks and expects of me, in high school and as I’m getting ready to move on in the next chapter of my life. Fortitude is especially important in trusting and having confidence in the way that God is leading me.

Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing." "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God." "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." "We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."


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