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The Catholic Defender: "Thou shalt not steal" John Benko stole the souls of his childen having them abused by a real Pedifile.

John Benko empowered this abuse within his own household. Far more is that John Benko seeks to attack others for the sin he has allowed. John Benko bears false witness and sins against the Lord. John Benko's lies is who he is. Benko has no knowledge that I have Fransican Medias permission to use their Saints of the day calender. I am not the thief that Benko is who sets out doing the Devils work

John Benko believes he is free to call out pig to those he hates and attacks and calls them a pedifile just like the one who he help abuse his own children. T4P is filled with such hate filled lies.

John I will pray for you, I had hoped that you might have gained something from your trip, but apparently not. I defended John Benko a long time not knowing this is how he attacked people like the Sander clan. T4P has no chance of surviving with John Benko as it's messenger. He is a false profit who hurts his team.

In the end, The Sander Clan was right about John Benko as was Jimmy Z, and the political podcast you Benko had been fired.

When I had the hemorrhagic stroke I had . Dr. Gregory Thompson to handle our Eucharistic Miracles series and John Carpenter to handle our Journey with Mary series. I didn't want John Benko to have a position while I recovered from my injury. Soon, I began recieving complaints how Benko was attacking members, to include me as I was not able to be on the computer by doctors orders. When I was able to come back on line, I quickly found the attacks coming to Deepertruth to include me. That's when I fired Benko to never return. Ever since, he has set out to destroy Deepertruth and myself. Deepertruth would far outshine John Benko and his T4P who he now uses to launch his attacks from today.



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