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The Catholic Defender: Starting This coming Saturday Deepertruth Will begin a new series on Politics

This coming Saturday I will begin a new series on Deepertruth. I have a new co-host for this series This series will be each Saturday night at Evening 8:00 Central. I looked at my wife Gigi as we watched President Trump having a rally in Wyoming. I call these rallies "Trump night" as we love them. Listening to President Trump gives us hope in the midst of all the chaos taking place now.

I asked Gigi if Saturday night would be OK to have such a show because we both see the importance of taking back the Senate and the House. We need to promote America First Candidates. On Sunday Nights we focus on our series "Journey With Mary" with John Carpenter and on Monday nights we focus on our series "Eucharistic Miracles" with Dr. Gregory Thompson. One thing that Gigi wants us to accomplish with this new series on Saturday Nights, is to "win".

My Co-host for this series is Representative William Sutton who is the Kansas District 43 - Republican. My co-host (Representative William Sutton) will join with me as we speak with Candidates throughout the United States to take back America supporting Candidates who will stand for our Constitution and to defeat to far left who seems bent in tearing down America. This coming Saturday we will discuss the importance of getting involved in local elections and on August 2, Kansas has a very pro-life vote that we will definitely promote.



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