The Catholic Defender: Pray for John Benko that he will turn himself around to follow Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church
The prospects of going to the Holy Land did not seem to help him. He has totally lost his mind. He is hurting terribly his T4P network with all his lies, he brings the whole team down.
The following is an example of John Benko's losing his mind:
50 questions for disgusting pedophile Donald Hartley. What is disgusting is John Benko's breaking a Biblical Teaching; "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" appears in Exodus 20:16. It is the ninth commandment in the Ten Commandments.Â
I know hundreds of Trump supporters. Not one has had a 'child staking'' complaint filed against them. Why have you? The accusation comes from one of your allies who were followers of Biden as Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel explained in their Hearings before Congress that the Biden FBI went after Traditional Catholics loyal to the Teaching Magisterum of the Catholic Church. John, you became a major part of that false accusation.
I know hundreds of Catholics. You are the only one I know that was expelled by his own Priest. Why is that?
That is another one of your lies and false attacks. I go to daily Mass, do you?
Why was your Vitrus certification revoked if the accusations were not credible? Because I was not seen to be involved in a parish ministry that dealt with children. It was a mistake by the person in the office.
If the accusations were not credible and your certification was unjustly revoked, why haven't you taken legal action? It is being worked out by the ArchDiocease
Why haven't you identified the "Biden supporter" who accused you? The accusation came from someone I did not know, they were not happy with my 800 miles campaining for President Trump.
If you cannot confirm the identity, how can you know it was a Biden supporter? The accusation was lodged to someone else, Trump supporters do not go into Catholic Parishes to go after Traditional Catholics like you do John.
If the person was identified, and is a Biden supporter, what evidence do you have that that was the motivation for the accusation? Obviously to have me silenced for promoting President Trump. Judging from the outcome, we were successful. That was a victory for Deepertruth and a loss for T4P and you Johm.
If it was the motivation, why did you try to intimidate witnesses rather than simply let the investigation play out? Another lie from you John, I intimidated no one, the diocese conducted their investigation and found me innocent of the accusation.
If you were not a threat to the parish, why did the Priest expel you from the church under threat of arrest?
I am in good standing with the priest you refer to. He did not want me to go after in serch for the one who made that lie. I told Father that I forgave him and also the one who made the false accusation. That person has the sin.
If the Priest acted inappropriately, why was he not disciplined by the diocese? He went through some counseling from that experience. It was a learing opportunity.
Why did the diocese find the accusations credible enough to revoke your certification? My certification was deactivated because I was not recognized to be in a parish ministry regarding children.
What did you mean when you said 7th graders (pre-teens) were not children? I see 7th graders to be children, I am working on an essay for our 7th graders in our Catholic schools on the American Flag through the Knights of Columbus.
Why did you publicly attack Father Farrar for conducting an investigation he was required by law to conduct?
I never attacked Father Farrar, he told the Investigator that I was innocent of the accusation. I simply put down the events to defend myself as the threat of it. The Diocese found me innocent.
What evidence do you have that Father Farrar colluded with democrats, as you suggested?
I never claimed that Father Farrer collded with democrats. The false accusation did not come from a faithful Catholic.
What evidence do you have that the parishioner colluded with democrats, as you suggested?
It was not a pro-Trump person, only a Biden loyalist like you would continue with such a lie.
What evidence do you have that Child safety program colluded with democrats, as you suggested?
I never made such an accusation, John your thinking this is your revenge because I fired you from Deepertruth.
What evidence do you have that John Benko, or ''the 4 persons'' colluded with democrats, as you suggested?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the evidence you continually offer such as your questioning here shows.
How does marching 800 miles for Trump show your innocence, as you suggested?
Because your Biden ideology supported Kamala, my support for Trump was against those who hate Trump.
Why do you post so many unauthorized images of young children on your website?
That is a lie, anyone can look at my articles and they will see you ask a misleading question.
Why did you not make public evidence that you had been exonerated by the diocese if you were?
Didn't have to, the Diocese was happy to share with anyone who asked.
If you were exonerated before, why have they reversed course?
I am in good standing with the Diocese, another misleading question like your asking how many times have I beaten my wife?
Why have all your statements never included steps you would be willing to take to cooperate with investigators, clear your name and ensure the safety of children?
There was never any steps to be taken, I was innocent, your false accusations has zwro merit
Would you be willing to undergo a polygraph and psychological examination, administered by qualified 3rd party professionals and the results made public? T4P would gladly fund such an examination.
Would you take you examinaation to prove you are not responsible for your children being abused? I am not the one that needs such an examination, you are!
Why did your unprovoked attacks on John Benko coincide with the revocation of your certification?
Were you trying to create a diversion?
John, these questions offeer why I defended myself against your false accusations, your putting out my sensitive information to the public to harrass me and my family. You have great need to repent.
Why do you continue to lie and say that John Benko supported Biden and Harris when 100% of public proof refutes this?
actually, 100% show your opposition to President Trump, you on your podcasts and blogs demonstraits you.
Why do you keep claiming that many people left T4P to go to Deeper Truth, yet you have been unable to produce the name of even one such person?
Actually I have ten that I can name and have done so on podcast.
Why do you continue to lie and tell people you ''fired'' John Benko?
I did fire you, your denial is another example you can't handle the truth.
If you cannot give satisfactory answers to questions 23-28, why would a reasonable person not conclude that John Benko is correct in asserting that your animus towards him is motivated by your fear that he is exposing you?
Same question with respect to the question of why you have written at least 18 articles personally attacking John Benko in the last year?
Because you have at least 18 articles and attacks on me that you put also on BTR on my page. I always responded to your lies and misrepresentations.
Same question with regards to your repeated claims that John Benko is not Catholic when you have never even attempted to substantiate even one non catholic position he has ever taken?
A true Catholic would not have your perverted mind being vain, vile, and vulgar, you demstrated this over and over and to purposely lie has you have.
Why did Dr. Gregory Thompson stop working with you months ago as told to me by himself?
He continues to work with me every day, again, Dr. Gregory Thompson talk very ofton, he waants nothing to do with you. He does not want get caught up in this between you and me.
Why did Dr. Thompson not dispute me when I told him you are a pedophile?
Greg has said many times that I was one he wouldn't worry if I was with his family. He knows your a liar.
Why do all the members of T4P believe that you are mentally unstable and a pedophile?
I do not believe any of them would believe anything like that unless they listen to your lies. This is why I am taking time to respond to your trash because through your dishonest jealousy
Why do you need to be present in front of 12-year-olds to judge an essay contest? Zoom, Teams and Meet would all be useful platforms.
It is my task given to have this essay to take place through the Knights of Columbus and their teachers to help us pick winners.
Why are parishioners, by your own admission, intimidated by you?
From what I understand it is my military dicipline, I never intimidated anyone, Benko, your the Beast on the Internet
Are these women? children? Certainly, no man would be afraid of a sissy like you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, John is showing his ignorance, he knows better, but he is sick.
Does it make you feel more manly to bully women and children?
That is more of a question put to you John, your the Bully of the internet.
Can you give one example of anything you have ever done wrong and apologized for?
Again, that is a good question to be put to you, are the beast
If the answer to 39 is no, isn't it fair to call you a sociopath?
Again, that is a good question for you, you need to go to confession and repent of your hate.
Why did you expel Ross Hoffman for defending the Catholic position that torture cannot be defended?
For the same reason I fired you because of the way he attacked members of Deepertruth.
Do you believe it is ok for you to constantly lie like you do?
That is another great question for you because your the liar.
Do you believe attacking a Priest is ok, like you do?
I have save priests from General Court Marshalls, I do not attack priests, again, that another lie from you John.
Do you believe that promoting events like Amsterdam, in direct defiance of the Vatican is ok?
Never promoted Amsterdam, simply relayed the story give a pro or con. John, like everything else, you judge things not knowing what your talking about.
Do you think that your fetish-like support of pro-aborts like Trump is Ok?
Another lie John, Trump is pro-life,
Do you feel that promoting Pope haters like Taylor Marshall is ok?
John your the Dr. Marshall is another Traditional Latin Mass Catholic, why am I not surpized your opposed to him as well
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist? If so, why do you constantly receive him while stained by the mortal sins of slander, attacking a priest, unforgiveness, refusal to repent, disobedience and- almost assuredly- pedophilia?
I do not have the stain of Mortal sin as you do. To falsely call me a pedophile is just as wrong if I accuse you of molesting your children, I was say you are responsible.
Do you believe it's ok that you openly plagiarize videos, audios, graphics and entire articles without approbation even though that is theft?
Another false accusation John go to confession. I have used some with permission, your the one who does not make up you own true Catholic material, you to full of lies. That is your material. It's hard to believe that at one time we did some good production together, but you have lost your soul
Why are you too much of a coward to allow for an open debate on a neutral platform?
You are not worthy of such a debate, youe not of sound mind, and you would lose
Why are you too much of a sissy to say to a man's face what you say from the safety of your computer?
John, that is a good question to you, you would not dare speak to me as you do with your lies in my presence because you know I would knock you out,
Inquiring minds want to know. This is a worm, not a man.
John, your a total joke.