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The Catholic Defender: Powerful Novena of Childlike Confidence

This is a difficult time for many. Let us use this time of great uncertainty to not only pray for ourselves — our own lives and situations — but also to intercede on behalf of our neighbor as well. Let us also not forget that God is Love. He knows what you, your neighbor, and the world are going through. And, He is ready and willing to grant divine grace so long as it is His will, and so long as we seek, ask, and knock.

“You do not have because you do not ask”James 4:3

Today, boldly go before the Throne of Grace. Pray this Powerful Novena of Childlike Confidence from the depths of your heart and with great faith. It is particularly effective when God’s intervention is needed most. In all your ways submit to Him. He will deliver you in ways that only the Good Lord can. Trust Him.

“O Jesus,

Who has said, ‘Ask and you shall receive,

seek and you shall find,

knock and it shall be opened to you,”

through the intercession of Mary,

Thy Most Holy Mother,

I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted:

(Make your request here)

O Jesus, Who has said,

‘All that you ask of the Father in My Name,

He will grant you,’

through the intercession of Mary,

Thy Most Holy Mother,

I humbly and urgently ask Thy Father

in Thy Name

that my prayer be granted:

O Jesus, Who has said,

‘All that you ask of the Father in My Name,

He will grant you,’

through the intercession of Mary,

Thy Most Holy Mother,

I humbly and urgently ask Thy Father

in Thy Name

that my prayer be granted:

O Jesus, Who has said,‘Heaven and earth shall pass awaybut My Word shall not pass,’through the intercession of Mary,Thy Most Holy Mother,I feel confident thatmy prayer will be granted:

(Make your request here)In the Name of the Father,the Son,and the Holy Spirit.Amen.”

Prayer to the Beckoning Child Jesus

“O beckoning Child Jesus, I pray that Thou will give Thy servant the grace to love Thee more and more, with a love like Thy Blessed Mother had for Thee.Give me the grace to have the time often, if not daily, to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to witness with the eyes of the sinner, Mary Magdalen, to behold Thee Crucified, and to see Thy Sorrowful Mother and St. John at the foot of the cross on the Hill of Calvary. And then, O loving Child, give me as food for my soul Thy Body and Blood, as at the Last Supper that Thou gave to Thy Apostles.And after a good confession and when death is near, as the Beckoning Child, meet me at the last moment of my life and bid me to come with Thee and show me Thy Palace that Thy Heavenly Father has prepared for Thee. Amen.”

My Gift to the Christchild

“Lord Jesus, I give You my hands to do Your work,I give You my feet to go Your way,I give You my eyes to see as You see,I give You my ears to hear as You hear,I give You my tongue to speak as You speak,I give You my heart that You may love in me Your Father and all mankind.I give You my spirit that it may be You who prays in me,I give you my whole self, Lord Jesus, that it may be You who grows, works, loves and prays in me. Amen.”

“Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips, but with your heart. In fact, on certain occasions you should only speak to Him with your heart” –St. Padre Pio.


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