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The Catholic Defender: John Scared Stupid known as The Beast claims that the past 36 hours achieved 600 hits on BTR. He lies to the public

Lets go back to 3 November 2024 to cover the time period that Benko claims his false deception. Currently T4P has 5667 total points. What happened to the increase of 600? That would have given them a total of 6267, but that does not exist. Going back 36 hours, Deepertruth gains 70 listens during this time. T4P their total gain was 28

See how Benko is decieving the public who accidently might stumble on T4P to include his own team.

The following is trash that clutters T4P. Ephesians 5:11 states,

Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness; rather expose them,

12for it is shameful even to mention the things done by them in secret;

13but everything exposed by the light becomes visible,

14for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore, it says:l

“Awake, O sleeper,

and arise from the dead,

and Christ will give you light.”*

Proverbs 10:18-32 says that liars secretly hold hatred, while fools openly spread slander. Proverbs 12:22 says that lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who are faithful are his delight. Proverbs 26:4 says that you should not answer a fool's arguments, or you will become as foolish as they are. 

The lies being pushed by T4P:

"Mission accomplished: Pedophile neutralized

We are proud that our message to turn everyone against Hyena Hartley, the war criminal and reduce his used-toilet paper show and blog to utter irrelevance has succeeded. I get the same traffic in a day that he gets in a month and everyone recognizes his as the evil, cowardly punk that he is.

Our work is done.


Virtually everyone who has ever encountered him think he is pure evil.

...and they are right.

Here is the testimony of just one of the literally hundreds of people who have told me I was right about the sick, child stalking pig.

"The 4 Persons" and "John Benko" are both among the most popular tags. No sign of serial liar, war criminal Donald Hartley and his shallow liar podcast. This is not surprising with John Benko getting 30 x the traffic of this fringe wearing goofball.

The 4 Persons has received almost as much traffic in the past 36 hours- almost 600 hits- as Donald the war criminal Hartley received in the entire month of October."

Deepertruth takes the month of October over John Benko and his The 4 Persons 630 to 194. 436 to Deepertruth's gain. From October 22,2023 to October 22, 2024 Deepertruth gained 6200 listens on Blog Talk Radio while John Benko's The 4 Persons gained 3121 giving Deepertruth 3,079 more listens and the victory.

Deepertruth won the past 12 months by an average of 256 more listens per month. This is showing that Deepertruth has built a larger impact among Catholic Listeners on Blog Talk Radio and beyond.

I want to thank God for the support we have recieved through our programs and articles. We are praying for all our listeners and readers and those who have crossed over from T4P this past year. Also, we ask for your prayers as the Church is under attack and our nation now needs much prayer.

Listeners and readers are participating in our dialogue on Facebook as we put forth real Catholic Teaching.



© 2017 Deeper Truth Catholics

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