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The Catholic Defender: John Benko Suffers Defeat AGAIN At The Hands of Deepertruth 15 to 5, 8/8/2024

Notice how John Benko hides within his own podcast shaking out of his mind that he is once again defeated.

Currently Deepertruth stands tall with 213,334 points, while John Benko's "The 4 Persons is at 5087

Deepertruths lead is now 208,247, up from 208,233 (8/7/2024)

Deepertruth podcasts average stands at 69%

The 4 Persons average hovers consistantly at 10%

T4P named most popular Catholic Radio Talk show network in the world

THE 4 PERSONS SHOW by The 4 Persons Inc


Yet, Deepertruth continues to win night after night weeks on end.

Richard Pettys Jr. began the scoring for The 4 Persons with his podcast, "Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Saint of the Day and Daily Update 2024.08.08"

Terry Delp Simulcast with guest Deacon Dennis "Kolbe house and the brothers of Saint Dismas"

Deepertruth won the day with the following Podcasts:

The Catholic Faith, Apostolic Ministers of Grace to the World

Stand In The Gap With Us And Saint Dominic "Veritas (truth)"

Day 7- Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Donna Cori Gibson say "Go Team Deepertruth, Beat John Benko"


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