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The Catholic Defender: John Benko lying again as he did at BTR

T4P traffic has doubled over last year

T4P posted over 100,000 hits in each of the past 2 years, surpassing in 2 years, what my previous venture did in a full 16 years. Do not believe it!

Our acceleration beyond that is quite impressive. We have posted 8700 hits in the past 2 weeks which is an annual rate of almost a quarter of a million hits per year. Do not believe it!

We are humbly grateful to those who support us and will continue to provide the superior content you have come to expect while fulfilling our mission to love and serve God. Do not believe it!

Benko continues to push up his numbers when the facts do not agree when there is an independent counter

Donald Hartley- child stalker proves that his pathetic pedophile show is getting less than 13 hits a day, with his own numbers. Lie from the Devil, do not believe this lie.

Former #1 show driven into dirt by child stalking pervert. Hartley's own numbers prove that DTB had over 202,000 hits before I left. That is about 42.7 hits per day for 13 years. More lies from Benko

According to Youtube

Katholic Ken Apologetics Show 2-21-25 Pre-Trib Rapture 4 views  Streamed live on Feb 21, 2025

Eric Tafoya interview by Richard Pettys 1 view  Feb 16, 2025




Katholic Ken Apologetics Show 2-21-25 Pre-Trib Rapture 5 Views  Streamed 12 days ago

John Benko has 43 videos when you add their hits all together there is no where near 700 hits total according to Youtube, something that Benko has no control. As much as Benko lies, you cannot trust any of the diagrams he dreams up.

Deepertruth in comparison began with Podbean in January 2025 as BTR closed December 31. John Benko closed shop from BTR early and took up Podbean much earlier than Deepertruth. Benko continues to inflate his numbers to make his people think they are doing very well when in reality, they are not.

Deepertruth on the other hand on youtube:

Scene from the Robe 70K views

The Angelus 3.6K views

Jamming with William Harvey Jett and Gilead 3,003 views

Deepertruth has seven videos that broke the thousand K mark, many more very close

The following are the last numbers that came from BTR before they closed.

Deepertruths lead today is 209196 Up from 209186 (10/22/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,789, The 4 Persons ends with 5592

Deepertruths lead today is 209214 Up from 209196 (10/23/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,807, The 4 Persons ends with 5593

Deepertruths lead today is 209226 Up from 209214 (10/22/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,822, The 4 Persons ends with 5596

Deepertruths lead today is 209247 Up from 209226 (10/25/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,846, The 4 Persons ends with 5599

Deepertruths lead today is 209283 Up from 209262 (10/25/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,889, The 4 Persons ends with 5606

Deepertruths lead today is 209262 Up from 209247 (10/25/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,865, The 4 Persons ends with 5504

taking a look at the above John Benko never closed the gap lead that Deepertruth Maintained. Deepertruth ended with more than 216K and John Benko left to Podbean with just over 5500.

At the beginning to today, 11/8/2024, T4P has 5672 total listens.  They now have an addition of 3 hits making the score 5675. John Baghdad Bob Benko is claiming 12,000 hits in a single week, again, this is coming from Baghdad Bob Benko who has misinformed the public. 12,000 minus 3 equalls 11997 hits to go.   50 additional hits may be added. From October 31 through today, T4P has added 50 poinst since October 31.  53 hits are standing in the wake of the 12,000 hallucination of John Baghdad Bob Benko. They have 11947 left to go.  Like April 9 2003 called Iraq as holding up against American forces, Baghdad Benko Bob in the midst of a rout coming from Donald Hartley the Catholic Defender and Deepertruth are rolling in crushing the T4P defences.

Deepertruths lead today is 209495 Up from 209438 (11/6/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 66.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 215,170, The 4 Persons ends with 5675 As of 5:01 PM 11/8/2024

Benko is doing the same thing now

John Benko states, "since the morning of the election (5 November 2024) T4P they logged more than 1700 hits."

Again, does this past the truth test? No again this is another Benko deception. On the morning of 5 November, T4P has 5666 total listens. On the evening of 4 November, the day before the election, T4P received 1 hit through the night so there was them 5667 total listens.  Interestingly, Benko claims a growth of 1700 hits occured throughout the day. Yet by days end, T4P ended the day with 5669 total hits.  That is an increase of 2, not the 1700 he falsely claims.  if this would have been real, the number would have swollen to over 7367!

From Oct 25, 2023 to December 31, 2024, Deepertruth went many thousands more than Benko, This is why I call John Benko, Baghdad Bob Benko in the face of a devestation loss 50 to 1 to Deepertruth 11/7/2024 continues his vile, obscene, attacks upon the victors



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