The Catholic Defender: John Benko keeps telling on himself being the troll and monster that he is?

We thank the thousands of people who support us. We have an enemy and you all know that he is pure evil.
1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company corrupts good morals,'" is a warning against the influence of those who deny the truth of the resurrection and to be careful who you associate with, as "bad company" can lead to spiritual harm.
"evil company corrupts good habits" is a proverb, often attributed to the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:33, warning against the negative influence of bad company on one's character and behavior.
John Benko gives special meaning to this as he has inluenced "At least 50 people" telling them lies and corrupting the heart and minds of people who do not know the truth of the matter.
At least 50 people have apologized to me for not believing me when I told them how absolutely evil and disgusting this man is. In each case, I simply told them ''watch for yourself''. They all later told me "You were right"
In the Bible, "bearing false witness" is the ninth of the Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20:16, which states, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor". It prohibits lying, misrepresenting the truth, and damaging someone's reputation, whether in a court of law or in everyday conversations.
You will never see, in your life, a more godless, sewar of a human being than Donald Hartley. John you are only hurting yourself and you are 100% wrong. John made these kind of attacks on Jimmy z, the Sandor Clan, and others whom he was at one time with for politics, This is how John acts.
Ironically, if it weren't for me, he would have zero people reading his trash. Dragging my name through the mud is the only purpose in his life now. He has no members, no followers, no friends, and certainly no virtue or faith.
Benko must be looking at a mirror because it is trash like this that he pollutes on the internet. He is wrong, Benko drags his own name in the mud
Pray that God either changes his wicked, evil heart or strikes him down in His justice. I'm glad that the whole world has tuned this mouthpiece of the devil out. It is time for me to do the same. We had hoped that we could come to an agreement where he wouldn't talk about me, and I wouldn't talk about him.
Well, here I am responding again to trash Benko placed on his blog
Sadly, I live rent free in his psycho head 24/7/365. I'm all he ever thinks about. Wrong as always John, I do pray for you that you would find Christ and be a good Catholic. Anyone with a sound mind by looking at this, they see you as the one instigating all this.