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The Catholic Defender: John Benko can not help himself as he continues to be the liar that he is, Dr. Gregory Thompson is Deepertruth and a close Brother with Donald Hartley

Unofficial T4P member Dr. Gregory Thompson sends me inspiring content every day

Not hardly, Greg will never join the corruption that is John Benko.

Dr. Gregory Thompson (known on FB as Gregory Mary) is not yet an official member of The 4 Persons but he will be soon. Dr. Thompson told me that he stopped working with Donald Hartley months ago after Dr. Greg had a stroke. It is easy to see how this patient, God fearing man got tired of Hartley's endless vitriol and self-promotion.

That is a lie what John Benko is trying to say, he continues towant to seperate Deepertruth Members, he already failed with Donna Cory Gibson, And Dr. Gregory Thompson is Deepertruth all the way. Greg and I talk regularly of what the Marian Association is planning.

You have a home here, Dr. Greg. We are of the same mind. All we want to do is win hearts and glorify God. It won't take very long for you to see how much better our platform is than Hartley's monument to himself. Leaving Hartley was a big step but obviously you saw that you had no choice. Hundreds of others have done the same.

Welcome to your new home!

John Benko is wrong on all counts.

Dr. Greg sent me this link to register for a Lenten novena of 40 days of Masses. I am all over this and hope you will be too.

John, Greg would like to see you as you use to be before I fired you from Deepertruth.

Pray for Greg's continued health, all of you.

Promises made, promises kept. The defeat of sick pervert Donald Hartley is complete

Benko, you have never defeated me in anything except being the liar that you are, your the real pervert.

What happened to your children because of you, is the real tragedy

Three years ago, I promised to reduce Donald Hartley and his pathetic radio show to nothing. Can anyone deny that I have succeeded? While we are winning awards, gaining thousands of hits, hundreds of new followers and putting out some of the best catholic material on the internet, Donald Hartley has lost all of his membership and all of his following and is so inept he can't even spell a simple word like 'Workout'.

When BTR ended their system, Deepertruth ended with nearly a Quarter of a million hits, John Benko's T4P barely managed to pass the 4,000 mark.

Feeble minded and frittering away, he recycles embarrassingly bad 4-year-old podcasts because he is too stupid to know how to create a new one. A successful day for Hartley is now one where he can make it through the day without crapping himself or walk up a flight of stairs without having a stroke.

Benko is a demonic liar: I am stronger than ever, my Doctor gave me the greatest diagnosis, "The Virgin Mary wants to keep me and preserve me." Also, I am in good standing in the archdiocese of KCK, I go to daily Mass and I am accepted at every Parish just to share another lie of Benko.

The following is a communication from Podbean congradulating Deepertruth for a fine performance in February:

February Podcast Performance

The Catholic Defender Deepertruth Catholic


+ 153% vs. last month


Most Popular Episode

Deepertruth: What is Truth?

Well done on the episode! It resonated with your audience, securing 21 downloads. Great job on creating compelling content!

899 hits on a 30 day time table proves Benko the liar he is. Nearly 30 hits a day!

What's worse is that not one person is angry at me for saying this because they know that Hartley is a disgusting mess who deserves all the derision he gets. Our sincere thanks to the Diocese of Kansas City for protecting the kids by banning this child stalking pervert.

The Lord Jesus and The Blessed Virgin Mary is not happy with you! Neither is Dr. Gregory Thompson. Benko is the one who has perverted himself, he is sick in the head. His T4P Members do not have the spiritual strength to help him. They are all sinking.

Shake the dust from your feet over this pathetic punk. He is done. After this post, I am going to forget that this human trash even exists. After utterly and totally defeating him, I get the last word too. A special salt rubbed in the wounds of his fragile little bleeding liberal heart.

How can anyone with a sane mind ever recognize Benko as a Christian, let alone a Catholic Apologist? Compare Deepertruth Blog with T4P and Deepertruth wins hands down, it is no contest. John Benko, I still pray for you, that you will not be eternally lost. I also pray for your children who were abused.

Promises made, promises kept. The defeat of sick pervert Donald Hartley is complete Benko's latest Article packed with lies.

The Catholic Defender: Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption Day 9



© 2017 Deeper Truth Catholics

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