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The Catholic Defender: Exposes that John Benko and his T4P are the liars and False Prophets

Benko in Disguise

Fortunately for me, everyone knows what Don Hartley is about

I was awarded 4 Bronze Stars, and I was put in for the Legion of Merit when I retired from the Army. Benko is not really fortunate, he is an agent of Satan.

He types text to himself he claims came from Fransiscan Media. He claims he won medals he told us himself he didn't win (Legion of Merit). Micheal Cooper, anyone?

Another lie from Benko, I said I was put in for the Legion of Merit when I retired, I did not recieve it, the award did not go through, yet.

He claims he get exonorated by the diocese even though we know just the opposite is true.

The bottom line, Donnie is that you and "Catholic" dont belong in the same sentence. The same is true of you and "honor", "Integrity", "honesty", "accountability". The bottom line about you is that you are every kind of filth. Every one is certain that you are a child molester. You have a way of leaving no doubt. Everyone knows you are a vile, disgusting, low life, hell bound piece of garbage.

That is what EVERYONE thinks of you...and I mean EVERYONE. (of T4P)

Live with that until God strikes you diwn, you human bacteria

Clearly, Benko is the hound of Satan? Benko is vain, vile, and vulgar.

I am not so much informing people that Hartley is a depraved pig, serial liar, sociopath and child predator, as I am just reminding them of this fact.

John Benko is pure evil he is the real depraved one, clearly he is the serial liar, sociopath and liar.

You know why Benko is always talking about child predators, it is because he empowered one giving him room and board, lodging, and opportunity. No matter what he says, he is responsible. Benko can not win a debate he has to become a pervert, I am a good Catholic that follows Our Lord, and Our Lady.

First of all, Hartley's claim that he has permission to plaigiarize Fransiscan media, without any approbation is a bald faced lie. He has no such permission.

Hi Donald,

Thank you for reaching out, you are free to use our information, you should be fine to do so. 

Thank you and God Bless,

Customer Support Team

Franciscan Media

Second, the site I showed him plaigiarizing is wikipedia so he is too stupid to even keep his lies and thefts straight.

Can you see the liar that John Benko is. He has his T4P members reach out to me about Benko and his children whIch I pray for his children that they would recieve the Healing of memory because what John Benko allowed. That is true.

The Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas after their investigation found me innocent. Benko continues to lie because that does not go well with his T4P agenda,

Third, we have received more hits this week than Hartley will get this year. That's why he is throwing a fit.

Considering, that we had nearly a Quarter of a million hits when BTR closed, John Benko and T4P had just over 4.000. Night after night, Deepertruth won every night for the last several months before BTR closed. Now that Deepertruth and T4P are both at Podbean, we are near our first thousand and we are just beginning. As people see who and what John Benko is, they will not go to far.

I'm not throwing a fit, Benko, your the one with a potty mouth, a perverted mind,

Fourth, Hartley has to plaigiarize because he writes on a 4th grade level.

See howBenko contiues the lies? I have been complimented by staff members from The Franciscan Media!

Hartley can make sport of three children being assaulted because he is a warthog tucked safely in his home, cowering behind his computer.

Benko, your the demonic agent of Satan, you only hurt yourself. The DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, generally referred to as a "DD 214", is a document of the United States Department of Defense, issued upon a military service member's retirement, separation, or discharge from active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States (i.e., U.S. Army. If anyone in the T4P has one, I would gladly share mine, I have served my country with distinction and the Catholic Church.

John Benko is more like Tampon Tim, and BaghdadBob

In conclusion, everyone knows Hartley is a pedophile, a retard, a pig and a pussy.

That's why he is losing his mind while the world laughs at him

Benko, you have decieved yourself.



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