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The Catholic Defender: Anyone remember the taste tests between Coke and Pepsi, they would blind tasters to see if they could tell the difference?

A number of volunteers undertook the opportunity to investigate by random pick podcasts either Deepertruth or T4P to find who had the better productions as a Catholic outreach.

5 podcasts were picked from Deepertruth and 5 from T4P. It was indiscriminate the inspectors volunteered from Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, and Kansas. across Middle America.

The podcast were chosen randonbly by the testers who went to both sights and picked their own podcasts.

In the end of a week, Deepertruth won hands down by all the testers. Thank you all for your participation in recognizing and reporting Deepertruth as winning this test.

Please pray for John Benko and his team because the news of this will not be welcome by them, they will simply dismiss the truth as they always do. God bless you all out there in Deepertruth Land!

The overall winner was respectively:

Deepertruth: The Stations of the Cross With Donna Cori Gibson’s Stations



© 2017 Deeper Truth Catholics

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