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The Catholic Defender and Members of Deepertruth are heading to the City of Topeka, the State Capital To stand against a Satanic Black Mass

A satanic ritual is set to take place at the Kansas capitol. Michael Stewart, founder and President of the ‘Satanic Grotto,’ will be leading a ‘Black Mass.’

Satanic black mass at capital building 28 March 2025, Kansas satanists plan to defy governor with ‘therapeutic blasphemy’ in black mass at Statehouse

Gov. Laura Kelly intervened Wednesday in satanists’ plans to conduct a black mass on March 28 at the Statehouse by declaring they would not be allowed inside.

Michael Stewart, founder and president of the Satanic Grotto, which organized the event. “We will be entering the building and attempting to perform the mass, and if Capitol Police want to stop us, they will need to arrest us.”

The Satanic Grotto’s plans to conduct a black mass in the Statehouse rotunda stimulated considerable attention online — and outrage from the Catholic Church.

His said his group has about three dozen members, primarily from Kansas City and Wichita, and is nonviolent.

The group describes itself as an independent and nondenominational church whose members are feminist, LBGTQ+ allies,

“The Catholic Bishops of Kansas ask that first and foremost, we pray for the conversion of those taking part in this event, as well as each person’s own conversion of heart during this scared Season of Lent,”

“Therefore, all events planned for March 28 will be moved outdoors to the grounds surrounding the Statehouse. Again, no protests will be allowed inside the Statehouse on March 28.”

‘Black Mass’ is a centuries-old ceremony held by various Satanic groups. It’s designed to be a sacrilegious and blasphemous parody of a Catholic Mass.

so what we’re going to do is heavily lean into the four blasphemies, kind of representing an alternate to the stations of the cross.”

  • Disrespect for the Divine:

    Blasphemy involves actions or words that show a lack of respect or reverence for a deity or sacred things. 

  • Contempt or Ridicule:

    It can include mocking or ridiculing religious beliefs, practices, or symbols. 

  • Denial or Reproach:

  • Blasphemy can involve denying the existence or attributes of a deity, or making insulting or critical statements about them. 

  • Profane Language:

    Using language that is considered inappropriate or disrespectful in a religious context is another form of blasphemy. 


  • Denying the existence of God:

  • Making fun of religious rituals:

  • Using profanity or vulgar language when referring to sacred things:

  • Attributing God's attributes to someone or something else: 

words that offend the name of Our Lord, but other examples of blasphemy can be: vandalizing places of worship, burning sacred books like the Bible, worshipping satan, creating any form of art or public displays that disrespect God, - anything that degrades religious concepts.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. 

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. .

O glorious prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine Kingand our admirable conductor, you who shine with excellenceand superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil,who turn to you with confidenceand enable us by your gracious protectionto serve God more and more faithfully every day.

Abortion is considered a sacrament to the Satanist,



© 2017 Deeper Truth Catholics

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