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Deepertruth's success over John Benko is getting under his skin, he is losing what he might of once had

"Donald Hartley and his heretic clown show again doing the work of his daddy, Satan.

No one is surprised that known pervert Donald Hartley is once again stumping for the devil. It's what this hell hound does. It's who he is. Knowingly promoting a condemned event is formal heresy but Hartley is a willing tool of Satan, his daddy, so it is easy for him.

Rather than correct this egregious error, Hartley will double down on his blasphemy of our blessed lady and increase his baseless personal assaults on me. What do expect from a person who was outed by his own church for stalking children? - (an accusation that the diocese did not publicly dispute, despite Hartley's lies to the contrary).

The real reasons Donald Hartley hates me are because:

  1. I always prove him wrong

  2. I always beat him."

  3. Benko always loses


Yet, Hartley, is hundreds of thousands ahead of John Benko

Benko himself condemns the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Lipa, Batangas

The following is collected by The Miracle Hunter.

Our Blessed Mother appeared 19 times to a novice in the Carmelite order in Lipa City, Philippines. Teresita recounted that Our Lady stressed humility, penance, prayers for the clergy and the Pope, and to pray the Rosary. Teresita reported that there was one secret for herself, one for the Carmel convent in Lipa City, one for China, and also one for the entire world. Veneration of Mary permitted under the title "Mediatrix of All Grace" (Archdiocese of Lipa) but the 1951 ruling of "Established as Not Supernatural" was affirmed by the Vatican in 2010. Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles released a statement on Spetember 12, 2015 approving the apparitions as supernatural, but the CDF nullified this document

The Holy See declared the apparitions to not be supernatural with the following final declaration:

'The text of the declaration of the Bishops of the Philippines, published on 11 April 1951, is as follows: "We, the undersigned Archbishops and bishops, constituting for the purpose a special Commission, having attentively examined and reviewed the evidence and testimonies collected in the course of repeated, long and careful investigations, have reached the unanimous conclusion and hereby officially declare that the above mentioned evidence and testimonies exclude any supernatural intervention in the reported extraordinary happenings- including the shower of petals - at the Carmel of Lipa." This declaration is the official communication of the final decision on the matter, as approved by the Holy See.'

n a homily Homily at San Sebastian Cathedral, Archbishop Raymond C Arguelles: "I declare today what I always have at heart: Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace of Lipa is worthy of belief."

As part of the feast day celebrations in Lipa, Archbishop Raymond C Arguelles released an official statement of approval declaring "that the events and apparition of 1948 also known as the Marian phenomenon in Lipa and its aftermath even in recent times do exhibit supernatural character and is worthy of belief."

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith creates a statement "ROT. N. 226/1949 PRESUMED APPARITIONS OF THE BVM AT THE CARMELITE CONVENT IN LIPA, PHILIPPINES" nullifying the statement of approval from Archbishop Ramon C Arguelles.

Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles issues a communique annoucing the nullification by the CDF of the September 12, 2015 approval. Read the CDF document PROT. N. 226/1949 Presumed Aparitions of the BVM at the Carmelite Convent in Lipa, Philippines

Church Approval

Although veneration of Our Lady Mediatrix of all Grace was permitted by Bishop Alfredo Verzosa y Florentin, the Philippine church hierarchy declared on April 11, 1951 that “there was no supernatural intervention in the reported extraordinary happenings including the shower of rose petals in Lipa.” The statement also contained the contentious phrase 'until final decision on the matter will come from the Holy See'. Bishop Rufino Santos, who became apostolic administrator after Bishop Verzosa, ordered that 1) no petals be given to anyone by the Lipa Carmelite community; and 2) the statue of Our Lady of Mediatrix be withdrawn from public view.

While the committee of bishops appeared unanimous in their conclusion that Lipa was fraudulent, several of them allegedly confessed before they died that they too had been coerced, signing the negative "findings" only under duress.

In 1992, Msgr. Mariano Gaviola, archbishop of Lipa, lifted the ban enforced fifty years earlier by the then Lipa Apostolic Administrator Bishop Rufino Santos and granted permission to display again the image of the Mediatrix of all Grace. In 1993, he declared his personal conviction that the Lipa apparitions were worthy of belief.

Most Reverend Ramon C. Arguelles, D.D., archbishop of Lipa, resurrected the devotion with an official kick-off on Sept 12, 2005 with "increased activity and devotion" and made plans to place statues representing the Virgin of Lipa, as Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace, in every diocese. Read the Pastoral Letter from April 17, 2005.

On November 12, 2009, he lifted the 1951 ban on the public veneration of Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace.” With the same decree, he formed a new commission to revisit the series of apparitions. Read the decree from November 12, 2009

In December 2010, he released a statement which included the final ruling by the Vatican that the apparitions were not supernatural.

On June 4, 2015, In a homily Homily at San Sebastian Cathedral, Archbishop Raymond C Arguelles: "I declare today what I always have at heart: Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace of Lipa is worthy of belief."

On September 15, 2015, as part of the feast day celebrations in Lipa, Archbishop Raymond C Arguelles released an official statement of approval declaring "that the events and apparition of 1948 also known as the Marian phenomenon in Lipa and its aftermath even in recent times do exhibit supernatural character and is worthy of belief."

On May 31, 2016, Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles issues a communique annoucing the nullification by the CDF of the September 12, 2015 approval.

Our Blessed Mother appeared 19 times to a novice in the Carmelite order in Lipa City, Philippines. Teresita recounted that Our Lady stressed humility, penance, prayers for the clergy and the Pope, and to pray the Rosary. Teresita reported that there was one secret for herself, one for the Carmel convent in Lipa City, one for China, and also one for the entire world. Veneration of Mary permitted under the title "Mediatrix of All Grace" (Archdiocese of Lipa) but the 1951 ruling of "Established as Not Supernatural" was affirmed by the Vatican in 2010. Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles released a statement on Spetember 12, 2015 approving the apparitions as supernatural, but the CDF nullified this document

The Archbishop of Lipa has released to the public for the first time the controversial 1951 Vatican decree—supposedly nonexistent according to some Marian devotees—which confirmed the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Lipa, Batangas, back in 1948 were not supernatural.

The apparitions were initially approved by the local bishop in 1951 but later condemned by the Vatican in the same year.

  • Why is it a mere handwritten one, and with erasures?

  • Who is L. Ottaviani? What was then his position or authority in the Dicastery on 28 May 1951 to have the jurisdiction to issue this 1951 Dicastery Decree? And why did he not attach a copy of the 1951 Papal Decree in his Dicastery Decree of 1951?

  • This purported Dicastery of 1951 only bears a handwritten note “Autentico: Victor Fernandez” with no signature. Why did they not present us with a formal consularized copy of it?

  • Why does this alleged 28 May 1951 not bear the express formal approval of then Pope Pius XII?

  • Why did it take them more than 72 years to release this 1951 Dicastery Decree?

  • Why is this 1951 Dicastery Decree not published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the Vatican’s official commentary, as required under Canon 8, Code of Canon Law?

Why is this 1951 Dicastery Decree not published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the Vatican’s official commentary, as required under Canon 8, Code of Canon Law?

  1. Assuming that they do not publish decrees on non-supernatural private revelations, then how come they published the 25 July 1951 Negative Verdict of Pope Pius XII regarding the Marian Apparition in Heroldsbach, Germany?

  2. I want answers to all these questions before I make my final judgment.


The Catholic Church teaches that Mary is the Mediatrix of All Graces, which means that she mediates the Divine Grace and intercedes for people to receive the graces of Redemption. The Church's understanding of Mary's role is based on her close relationship with Jesus, her maternal care for believers, and her cooperation in the Incarnation and Redemption of mankind.

Ultimately, the Catholic understanding of Mary's role as the Mediatrix of All Graces emphasizes her close relationship with Jesus, her maternal care for believers and her pivotal role in God's plan of salvation.

Following is from Catholic Answers

Mary’s title of mediatrix arises from her cooperation in the Incarnation and in the Redemption of mankind. Through her “yes” (Lk 1:38), she became the Theotokos (God-bearer), and, as the “New Eve,” she is “the Mother of all living.”

Irenaeus (A.D. 120–200) wrote, “As by a virgin the human race had been bound to death, by a virgin it is saved, the balance being preserved, a virgin’s disobedience by a virgin’s obedience” (Against Heresies, 3, 22, 19). Eve made the Fall possible, but Adam effected it; Mary made our Redemption possible (by consenting to bring the Savior into the world), but Jesus effected it.

God permitted the Redemption of mankind to depend on the free-will decision of a human being. Whether or not we would have a mediator was dependent on Mary’s “yes.” Had there been no “yes” from Mary, there would have been no mediator. Thus the graces that come through Jesus may be said to come to us, in a secondary way, via Mary—not as the origin of the graces, but as a conduit. The Catholic Church always has taught that Jesus Christ alone redeemed mankind (neither Mary nor any other creature had the power to do so), and ultimately only through him are salvation and grace obtained.

Even we are mediators, in a lesser sense. The word mediator means someone who is a go-between. In 1 Timothy 2:5, which refers to Jesus as the “one mediator,” the Greek word for “one” is heis, which means “first” or “primary” and does not denote something exclusive. In fact, we are all mediators when we pray for one another. As members of the Mystical Body of Christ, we all share in Christ’s role as mediator, but our efforts at being go-betweens “work” only because of what he has done.

Our mediating in no way diminishes the role of Christ as mediator; in fact, it glorifies the Father, because it is through Jesus that we can approach with confidence the throne of grace (Heb 4:14-16). How much more does Jesus give his mother Mary the privilege to be a participant in the distribution of grace!


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