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The Catholic Defender: St. Aloysius Gonzaga Answered The Call

"Beloved, being very eager to write to you of our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." Jude verse 3

One such Saint who contended for the Faith his whole life long was St. Aloysius who was born in Castiglione Italy.

St. Aloysius first words spoken as a child were the names of Jesus and Mary. What does this say about St. Aloysius parents?

St Paul writes, Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth." Ephesians 6:1-2

St.Paul further adds, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4

Like many young people raised at the time, St. Aloysius was geared by his Father to serve as he had lived being a Military man. Something that St. Francis and St. Ignatius Loyola were once raised as well. Like St. Francis and Ignatius Loyola, St. Aloysius felt he had another call. By age 9 St. Aloysius felt the call to live a life of special holiness. Something more than the general Christian at the time, he wanted to join the Lord's "special forces" living a religious life.

He grew up with a certain holiness respecting the importance of women he came in contact with. His Mother had a special influence for him growing up. That is something I learned along the way in my own life.

I remember before ball games I would crank up the music getting myself ready for the game when finally running out on the field, instead of thinking about the game specifically, I might have words in my mind of the songs I listened too. "She's a devil, she's desire, she's an angel" would be there in my mind because I had just listened to this. It was kind of subconscious.

Finally, I became interested in Christian music that radically changed words I listened too that became important for me concerning the opposite sex. It radically helped clean out my mind. Remember, "garbage in garbage out!"

When challenged by the beauty of a lady I came in contact with, I began to understand that her body might be in shape but is her soul! That was St. Aloysius perspective from an early age. He made a vow of virginity from an early age and when he was in contact with the opposite sex, he gave great respect to them.

To avoid temptation, he made it his practice to keep his eyes from looking lustfully at any woman.

At age five, St. Aloysius was sent to a military camp as many did at the time as his father wanted to prepare his son for a military career.

St. Charles Borromeo would give St. Aloysius his first Holy Communion which was his greatest joy. Due to a kidney disease, St. Aloysius would read about the lives of the Saints like St. Francis and Ignatius. He wanted so much to imitate them in his own life. His prayer life helped him grow all the more a disciple of Christ.

This great foundation St. Aloysius was given, even while serving as a page in Spain, he kept up his spirit of devotion and religious mindset. Ultimately, he would become interested in the Jesuits because of his love for their founder, St. Ignatius Loyola.

Back in Italy, St. Aloysius began evangelizing the Catholic faith to the poor he encountered. At 18 he finally was allowed to join the Jesuits after his father realized his son was destined to a higher call.

In 1587 in the area of Milan a great plague hit the entire region. St. Aloysius began to serve in a local hospital where he could help the sick where at age 23, he himself became very sick. He would not recover from this illness as he was called to come home by the King of kings.

St. Robert Bellarmine gave St. Aloysius the Anointing of the Sick and testified the last words spoken by young Aloysius, praising the Holy Name of Jesus.

St. Aloysius ended his life as it began, speaking the Name of Jesus. That is a great witness for us. Praise the Name of Jesus.

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

Christ, have mercy

Christ, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

Lord, have mercy

God our Father in heaven

have mercy on us

God the Son,

have mercy on us

Redeemer of the world

have mercy on us

God the Holy Spirit

have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God

have mercy on us

Jesus, Son of the living God

have mercy on us

Jesus, splendor of the Father

have mercy on us

Jesus, brightness of everlasting light

have mercy on us

Jesus, king of glory

have mercy on us

Jesus, dawn of justice

have mercy on us

Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary

have mercy on us

Jesus, worthy of our love

have mercy on us

Jesus, worthy of our wonder

have mercy on us

Jesus, mighty God

have mercy on us

Jesus, father of the world to come

have mercy on us

Jesus, prince of peace

have mercy on us

Jesus, all-powerful

have mercy on us

Jesus, pattern of patience

have mercy on us

Jesus, model of obedience

have mercy on us

Jesus, gentle and humble of heart

have mercy on us

Jesus, lover of chastity

have mercy on us

Jesus, lover of us all

have mercy on us

Jesus, God of peace

have mercy on us

Jesus, author of life

have mercy on us

Jesus, model of goodness

have mercy on us

Jesus, seeker of souls

have mercy on us

Jesus, our God

have mercy on us

Jesus, our refuge

have mercy on us

Jesus, father of the poor

have mercy on us

Jesus, treasure of the faithful

have mercy on us

Jesus, Good Shepherd

have mercy on us

Jesus, the true light

have mercy on us

Jesus, eternal wisdom

have mercy on us

Jesus, infinite goodness

have mercy on us

Jesus, our way and our life

have mercy on us

Jesus, joy of angels

have mercy on us

Jesus, king of patriarchs

have mercy on us

Jesus, teacher of apostles

have mercy on us

Jesus, master of evangelists

have mercy on us

Jesus, courage of martyrs

have mercy on us

Jesus, light of confessors

have mercy on us

Jesus, purity of virgins

have mercy on us

Jesus, crown of all saints

have mercy on us

Lord, be merciful

Jesus, save your people

From all evil

Jesus, save your people

From every sin

Jesus, save your people

From the snares of the devil

Jesus, save your people

From your anger

Jesus, save your people

From the spirit of infidelity

Jesus, save your people

From everlasting death

Jesus, save your people

From neglect of your Holy Spirit

Jesus, save your people

By the mystery of your incarnation

Jesus, save your people

By your birth

Jesus, save your people

By your childhood

Jesus, save your people

By your hidden life

Jesus, save your people

By your public ministry

Jesus, save your people

By your agony and crucifixion

Jesus, save your people

By your abandonment

Jesus, save your people

By your grief and sorrow

Jesus, save your people

By your death and burial

Jesus, save your people

By your rising to new life

Jesus, save your people

By your return in glory to the Father

Jesus, save your people

By your gift of the holy Eucharist

Jesus, save your people

By your joy and glory

Jesus, save your-people

Christ, hear us

Christ, hear us

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world

have mercy on us

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us

Let us pray. Lord, may we who honor the holy name of Jesus enjoy his friendship in this life and be filled with eternal joy in the kingdom where he lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.


© 2017 Deeper Truth Catholics

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