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The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Pressac, France, 1643

As you continue to confirm your Catholic Faith with the extraordinary Eucharistic Miracles, say a prayer for all the souls that are at risk and fail to see the Graces that flow from a loving God through the Sacraments that he gave us. We do not love someone if we do not tell them the Truth. Let us love everyone put into our path with the Truth Jesus has given us out of HIS love through HIS One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church to share that love with others. I thank God for each of you daily. To Jesus through Mary, Gregory


"[Christ] took the bread and the cup, each in a similar fashion, and said: 'This is My Body and this is My Blood.' Not a figure of His body nor a figure of His blood, as some persons of petrified mind are wont to rhapsodize, but in truth the Body and the Blood of Christ, seeing that His body is from the earth, and the bread and wine are likewise from the earth." -"Apocriticus" [3,23] ca. 400 A.D.


"When the Lord says: 'Unless you shall have eaten the flesh of the Son of Man and shall have drunk His blood, you shall not have life in you,' you ought to so communicate at the Sacred Table that you have no doubt whatever of the truth of the Body and the Blood of Christ. For that which is taken in the mouth is what is believed in faith; and in do those respond, 'Amen,' who argue against that which is received." -"Sermons" [91,3] ante 461 A.D.


"As often as some infirmity overtakes a man, let him who is ill receive the Body and Blood of Christ." -"Sermons [13 (265), 3]


"Hold most firmly and never doubt in the least that the Only-begotten God the Word Himself become flesh offered Himself in an odor of sweetness as a Sacrifice and Victim to God on our behalf; to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, in the time of the Old Testament animals were sacrificed by the patriarchs and prophets and priests; and to whom now, I mean in the time of the New Testament, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, with whom He has one Godhead, the Holy Catholic Church does not cease in faith and love to offer throughout all the lands of the world a sacrifice of Bread and Wine … In those former sacrifices what would be given us in the future was signified figuratively; but in this sacrifice which has now been given us, it is shown plainly. In those former sacrifices it was fore-announced that the Son of God would be killed for the impious; but in the present it is announced that He has been killed for the impious." -"The Rule of Faith [62]"

Eucharistic Miracle of Pressac, France, 1643

In the Eucharistic miracle of Pressac, a chalice in which a consecrated Host had been placed was completely fused after a fire in the parish church. The only thing remaining of the chalice was the foot of the chalice on which had formed a tin bubble under which the Host was found completely intact.

The Miraculous Host was consumed the day after, but there are many documents which testify to this miracle still in existence today. Among these documents are the windows of the church of Pressac which depict the different phases of the miracle.

The miracle occurred on Holy Thursday, 1643. After having celebrated Mass and everyone had received Communion, the people of the town returned to their jobs and the priest placed the chalice back into the repository. This was near the altar dedicated to the Blessed Virgin which had four pillars of wood supporting a marble slab on top of which was a corporal.

Behind the altar there was a depiction of a Eucharistic scene. A veil covered the chalice and two large candles were lit at the foot of the repository. It was mid-day and the sacristan closed the door of the church.

Two hours later, those nearby noticed thick, black smoke coming from the windows of the church. Since the windows had inadvertently been left open, this probably fanned the flames of the candles and accelerated the fire. The people called the sacristan to open the doors and they all entered to assess the damage. The repository and the painting were destroyed. What was left were the marble slab, the corporal and the foot of the chalice. The report would later say that almost the entire cup was transformed into “drops of tin.”

Above what was left of the chalice there formed a bubble of tin under which the Host was found completely intact having withstood the flames and the fusion of the metal. The vicar, Simon Sauvage, came to the place of the miracle and carried the damaged chalice to the main altar for all to see. The Host, light red around the edges, was consumed the next morning during the Divine Office of Good Friday.

We should remember that the Liturgy back then held that only one of the consecrated Hosts should be reserved in the ciborium and placed in a chalice covered by a simple veil.

The Abbot of Availles-Limouzine, François du Theil, recorded all of the testimony and gave it to the Bishop of Poitiers, Henri Louis Chastagnier de la Roche-Posay who authorized the cult of the miracle with a solemn act which states: “The Sacred Mysteries are incomprehensible, if the splendor of grace does not illumine the spirit in order to elevate it to the highest understanding of the wondrous effects of the power of God and to obligate all men to adore Him, who is owed their adoration.

The ineffable goodness of God is manifested at times in extraordinary ways, working miracles in the Church in order to confirm the Catholic Faith and to confound the errors of the unfaithful spirits.”

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